Naked Female vs Female Wrestling and Mixed Nude Fighting. The king of the wimps, Ed, is arguing with the powerful and sexy Fantasia. Ed is clearly intimidated by the 5'11", 170 lb Amazon. Not wanting to have to fight her, Ed brings down his girlfriend Sonya, to fight his battle. Fantasia likes nothing more than a good fight and goes right after Sonya. These two wildcats tear into one another, ripping each other's clothes off as they battle nude on the bed. Fantasia pins her rival and slams her huge 46GG tits into her face. Sonia retaliates with headlocks combined with body scissors, ass spanking and breast squeezing. Sonya, however, is no match for the huge busted redhead, and gets worked over pretty good. The girls come to realize that Ed is the root of the problem, and they turn on him. They toss him onto the bed and put Ed through the wrestling wringer; they both take turns getting him into some very painful head and body scissors. Fantasia uses her big tits as a weapon and slams them into Ed's face. They both take turns sitting on his face as he is totally dominated and made to eat pussy and ass. When you think that these two wildcats are going to ease up, they proceed to punish him by humping, grinding and crushing his balls in their hands. You will squirm in pain as you watch these two women batter him for 20 minutes in one of the worst beatings ever!
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