Brunette Mariella (5'6" 120 lbs) is watching blonde Lucille (5'6" 132 lbs) work out and flex her beautiful, strong muscles. Mariella likes it and gets hot and horny for Lucille's body. However, Lucille won't make it that easy. She tells Mariella that if she wants to have her body she'll have to conquer her physically to prove that she's woman enough to deserve it. So they strip nude and go at it in this sexfight battle. Lucille takes her foe down then punishes her with body scissors, breast into the face pins, schoolgirl pins and facesits. She dominantly shoves her pussy into Mariella's face. When she finally escapes, Mariella pins Lucille flat on her back then grinds her pussy to pussy with clit banging trib. Theyexchange the top position in a humping frenzy as both females are clearly aroused with kissing, hair pulling and tit sucking. Mariella gives it her best but she's no match for Lucille, who overpowers the loser and makes her orgasms multiple times. When she is finished Lucille shows off her erect and engorged clit which proves to be the best weapon for sexfighting. 30 minutes of erotic lesbian wrestling and domination.
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